Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reflections of an Encounter

Looking back at the past week after the encounter on August 23, 2009, This is what I found :
  • A greater desire for Holiness and God – Not only do I find myself sinning lesser than before, I began to make use more of my free time to get to know Him better.
  • A more constant awareness of God – I began to commune with Him more regularly.
  • A sharpening of my spiritual senses – I start to see the spirit realm and prophecy comes much clearer than before.
  • A great understanding – when I read the written word of God I start to have more revelations and a better understand of passages that I read before.
  • More outpouring of anointing – I start to sense a stronger and a more frequent out pouring of anointing.

So such encounters are not just for a ‘cool fun fact’ kind of experience, it is life changing!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Flying in the Spirit

Today was really wonderful, amazing things happened and I intend to write them down:

I arrived early at Church of Victory today, while waiting there for Rusty, I began to pray and get prepared for a time of ministry. I asked the Holy Spirit what did He want to do today and He replied, “Euclid, today you’re not going to lay hands on anyone because I’m going to be the one that ministers to the people personally.”

As time went by, I heard the Lord placing a prophesy in me for me to address the entire church. During worship as we went to a point of adoration, the Lord prompted me to speak. I got clearance from Rusty and from the senior pastor of Church of Victory. I went up stage and prophesied, “The Lord says, I see many of you who are empty. You are empty because you fill yourself with the things of this world. You fill yourself according to what your flesh desires. Don’t you realize by now that it is these very things that still do not satisfy you? I desire to fill you up with my Holy Spirit because only I can truly satisfy you, not the world. If you will but hunger for me, I will fill you up not only to the brim, but overflowing, that you may overflow to the rest around you.” That was about as much as I can remember God prophesying through me. Later, a few came up to prophesy on the theme of God wanting to have a personal relationship with them. The senior pastor also prophesied along the same lines of being filled to an overflow and not be empty by the fillings offered by the world. These prophesy were edifying not only to the congregation and me, but to Rusty (who was the speaker) as well. This is because it was in line with the sermon that he had prepared.

 After the sermon, the call was given to enter deeper with God. The presence of the Lord began to be extremely thick. As I opened my spiritual eyes, I saw a line of angels moving down the ales, then to the people. One came beside me and I saw him pointing me out saying, “this one is hungry, usher the King to him.” At that point I knew something big was going to happend. Then I began to see in the spirit, the floor around me breaking apart. Water was gushing out of the ground and filling me all over. The weight of the Lord was so strong that I found myself on all fours. Then I saw fire burning all over me. The fire was dancing and spreading, like it was about to explode. Then, before I knew it, I was in the spirit. Though I had still some control over my physical body, I knew I was in a totally different realm. In the spirit I found myself flying between the cloudy mountains. Ahead of me was a giant eagle and as it soar to the left and the right, I too soar to the left and the right. Then I zoomed to the side of the eagle and saw its eyes. Its eyes were like nothing you have ever seen, in a moment it seemed like it was made of jewel and fire. I was having such fun flying and laughing. Suddenly I was brought to the mountain top and on that mountain top I began to seat beside someone. My spirit quickly recognized Him, it was God the father. I was so so excited. Then my spirit began to hear what my body was hearing and feeling. The service had stopped and announcements were being given. I felt the queue to go back, yet I was reluctant because I wanted to hear what He had to say. With a warm assurance He said, “go back, I want you to know you can always come up here again we can fellowship.” With peace I went back, I opened my eyes and my body felt light. It was hard to get up at first but I did, and as I walked around I had to get used to walking again.

When we sent Rusty and Mildred Home, he prayed for us and I began to feel light while brother Lawrence felt fire and I saw his face turning red. Haha. Thanks be to God for offering such intimacy to all His children! If only all of as were that hungry enough to seek Him.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Lion of Judah

An excerpt of my prayer during warfare against a rebellious spirit:

Oh Lord, you are the Lion of Judah! You are the rightful ruler of this land. You are mighty and ferocious; at the sound of your roar you sent fear into your enemies. Lord, devour your enemies, slain them for your Kingdom! Show forth your glory that they may be but back to place and fear you!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Yesterday at a prophetic meeting, I saw in a vision of fire in the form of rain falling from heaven down on some people. The droplets of fire covered their bodies, starting from the head to the feet. When the fire reached the feet, it burnt the chains that were chained to the ground. Immediately I saw them caught up in the heavens with mighty wings. When they were in the sky, they no longer fought a warfare on the ground, but they fought from the heavens. In the heavens the Lord showed them how to engage warfare, and they fought from a heavenly perspective, God’s perspective.

After I had released the word, a sister immediately rushed out saying, “ I’m here to confirm the vision. I saw it too. I saw the chains and the people on wings flying effortlessly!”

Too many have been fighting a spiritual warfare on their own. With their fist, on the ground. So let us fight from the heavens with the perspectives of God. Remember the fire is from heaven.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Speak of Him Constantly

This happened on 3 August 2009 Monday, I could not post it online because I was in camp when it happened:

I was reading the book "drawing near" by John Bevere, it was speaking about the relationship between a husband and wife. When a husband is in a close mutual association with their wives, you will hear them speak often about their wives. Same thing with the Holy Spirit. Children of God who have a close mutual association with the Spirit of God constantly mentions of Him.

In repentance, I said, "Hey Holy Spirit, I'm sorry that I do not talk about you much in my conversations with others." He replied, " it's ok, I have been mentioning you to the Father, and in front of my angels and heavenly creatures."

We seldom include Him in our lives, yet even when we take Him for granted and chuck Him aside, He not only still thinks about us but proudly talks about us, His children.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Prophets of the Old

During my Quiet Time, the Lord spoke to me, “take a look at the prophets of the old and see what they see.” Then in a flash, I saw people from Moses to David, all of the man of God mentioned in the Old Testament. In that they all experience and communicated with God in an intimacy that many Christians have never been in. Yet the clock past and I saw the men of God in the New Testament. The Glory seen by these men was even greater, clearer than that which the prophets of the old had experience. Then I felt myself in that short moment, in the shoes of the apostle John. I was then led to turn to 1 John 1. I read it out loud (though I was then only one in that room), and as I read, I started to experience the moment when John himself was writing those very words. In that short encounter, I had a greater understanding of the bible, an understanding which I cannot put into words.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Not Alone

As I carry on in spiritual warfare, I find myself being left more and more alone. While speaking to Pastor Klein, he encouraged me with this verse “And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” 2 Kings 6:17. The point was, that whenever we feel alone, we are in fact surrounded by armies of angles.

As I went back that night, the Lord spoke to me further on this first, He said, “Euclid, let me show you again who is with you.” I then saw not one, not two, but a row of guardian angels walking next to me on both sides. They are my bodyguards from heaven. I have seen them quite a number of times before and it had always been like ‘cool’ kind of knowledge, but today it was a huge encouragement, a revelation, what I really needed to see.