Sunday, May 23, 2010

Break out of those walls

Recently the Lord has been communicating me the topic of battle. Just yesterday I kept hearing the sound of a war horn being blasted. Then He showed be visions of fire exploding everywhere. It was as if a battle was being prepared and is upon us.

Unity was one of the key, for Christians everywhere to stop focusing on “my own church” mind set. To break out of their own church walls and vision s to see the bigger picture what really is going on. For Christians to stop focusing on themselves and get rid of the selfishness to see the truth of what really is at stake here.

It seems to me that there has been a sudden "Rush" in the spirit. I find myself witnessing anointings being poured out and people jumping in terms of anointing level. What takes 5 years can now take place in 5 months. I find people all around suddenly having their spiritual senses awaken. The reason why all these are happening, simple, Jesus is returning back soon, very soon.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heaven on earth

I was at a prayer meeting with Lawrence, his family and a few others yesterday. We were just talking and somehow, we got to the topic of being able to rest in the Lord’s manifested presence. Before I knew it, I was asked to help facilitate a session on entering the Lord’s presence. After the session, it was sharing time, and Lawrence was the first to share. Besides feeling God’s presence, he also had a vision. He had asked God about his wife’s arthritis and why wasn’t she healed for so many years. Then the Lord gave him a vision of cables and Lawrence did a prophetic act of cutting these cables. Immediately the Holy Spirit prompted me to stop the sharing and ask Elina (his wife) to walk around and see how her leg was. Her leg was better but not completely healed so we sat her down and all of us decided to lay hands on her.

I was led to place my hand on her right knee and as we prayed, suddenly something solid filled her knee and pushed my hand out. I knew then that she had been healed and wanted her to try out her new leg. Then as I looked at her, she seemed unconscious. Then the Holy Spirit prompted me that she was being taken to the 3rd heaven. I couldn’t believe it at first but I asked God to confirm it again and He gave me a vision of the universe and purple and I was confident that she was taken out of the body to the 3rd heaven.

While Elina was up in heaven, the rest of us were touched by the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. When we placed our hands above Elina, we could feel heat like that of a hair dryer. Then we all started to feel heat, even when the air con was blowing at our backs, we were feeling this fire from God. When Elina was back on earth, I remembered her first few words : “I don’t want to come back.” Haha heaven was that wonderful! So she shared about the things in heaven and while she was up there Jesus gave left her with a message.

While we were all excited and was sharing what we were experiencing, I saw in the spirit, Jesus standing near the cupboard. I asked the Lord what to do and Jesus told me to just get someone to stand over there. So I got Josh (Lawrence’s son) to do it and he felt a tingling over his head. At that statement we all went to the spot where Jesus was standing. Some felt electricity, others felt heat, I felt light. Then Jesus left the room and it was as if the Holy Spirit covered the entire room as we could all feel the fire of God everywhere we went. Then Josh and Nicola (Lawrence’s daughter) saw (open vision) a rock in another part of the room. They felt electricity coming out of the ground up to their heads. As I went there if felt like massage on my legs. Then we all began to smell cinnamon and donut sugar.  There were so much more that happened that night. It was God pouring out heaven on earth.

One particular scripture keep coming to my head regarding last night :

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." 
Matthew 18:3-4

Monday, May 10, 2010

Smoke and Healing

During prayer with a few friends yesterday, the lord gave me a vision of coals on fire being placed under our feet. I was led to declare what I saw to come to pass and immediately I started to feel the fire of God. Then the scent of smoke came into the room. I asked if anyone else could smell it. Elina was able to but Lawrence could not. This was God's way of letting us know it was a supernatural scent. Once we realized that it was a prophetic scent, Lawrence then began to smell it too.

Last Friday, I went to my parent's cell and prayed for a lady. I prophesied that God had called her to be a prophetess and place my coat over her as a prophetic sign that a prophetic mantle had been given to her. Just a last Friday she told my parents that the moment I placed my coat over her, the pain that was in her shoulders for years suddenly lifted off. I praised God when I heard the news. He truly is amazing!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Helpless to help

If I could die so that another might live, I would have made that trade off long ago.

What happened when you have the equipment and ability to save others but not the authority. No authority because the ones in charge could not see and does not accept you.

When you love too much and yet are helpless to help. Restricted from moving out to the fullest when you have seen so many other places being blessed through you. The groans of just watching your love ones sinking. Sometimes the grief overwhelms too much that you loose appetite.

Lord how much more does your heart ache than mine if but what I feel is a tiny portion of what you feel...