Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Prophesy for me

This is what the Lord has prophesied to me through a young prophet and friend, Quintin.

A summary of what God said, “I know you have big dreams and you must trust me that I will fulfill those dreams, but you must draw closer to me. I know you have drawn close to me but I do not want just 90% of you but I want 100% of you. Give me all of you, press in spend more time, though you might be busy for the next month or coming 2 years, just five minutes will be good. Do not let other people who say that you will not make it affect you, they speak death, but Jesus came to bring life. You will go through more difficult trials, but I have placed them for you to come out strong and powerful. Focus on me and trust me to fulfill that dream.

Sometimes you can tell if someone is lying or not, and that is a gift I have given you, use that gift to glorify me. I have called you to the prophetic ministry but you will also be a powerful preacher. The words you say through prophecy will greatly impact people. Your children will also have this gift of prophecy, one of them will be an evangelist, and even one will be ministering in India.”

Quintin says, “I sense that the lord wants you to grow deeper into the word and from there you will bring life.”

Ok btw, my big dream is to move out in mighty signs and wonders. Other prophets have prophesied to me about this as well, and some of which will be beyond my imagination.

Hah now my criteria for a future spouse has increased, besides being a Godly woman, willing to travel around the world, willing to be with a guy without a job but who provides through God’s income…. Now she has to be willing to have kids that will prophesy and become evangelist, and even minister in India.

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