Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Wave of Glory!

WOOO! Just woke up with the Glory of the Lord all over me! Yes I have woke up early with about only 4 hours of sleep, but I feel so much energy, another plus side of walking in His Glory.

Last night was excellent. Though I couldn’t go to Batam with the rest because I had to stay at home to take care of my mom (she injured her hand), but since I wasn’t in Batam, I could attend a sudden night meeting that was held at Tiberius Church. It was just AWESOME! Through Prophet Rusty, or Rev if you don’t believe in prophets, hahahaha. Btw this is for all you who don’t believe that prophets don’t exist this day, check out Matthew 23:34, guess who said will be sending prophets. LOL, God bless you! Woo I’m a little drunk with Holy Ghost wine now.

Oh back to the night session. Rusty preached with 2 Peter 1:1-11. Ok I’ll not type out what He preached, but basically if you have never experience the Power of God in your life, even if you’re a Christian, never had touched the cloud of Glory for yourself, got drunk on Holy Ghost wine, never seen the sick heal instantaneously when you pray, if your spiritual life has been dryer than in those “days where you were so close to God”………..Look me up ok, I’ll be more than glad to pray, teach or if at some more serious cases, mentor.

Woo He is just so wonderful! Anyway, back to the night session, when Rusty prophesied that what we have experience in the past month is just the start of the road in God’s Glory, I was like wow! God said, there is going to be more in the months to come, and truly just the next day I can feel the difference is the presence, there is more Glory that last night. In the service, Rusty prophesied, “right now, what you see is just a window of His Glory, soon after, it will be door, after that it will be a wall, and after that…you won’t even know what it is.” I’m so ready for God to mess up my mind, and teach me things of heaven. That’s right, God mess up peeps minds a lot. So try not to intellectualize God, no way can your brain, no matter how smart you are, understand God. If you study the bible with your mind and not with the spirit of God, you will get quite a lot of things wrong. Read 1 Corinthians 2:10-14. Ok I won’t preach on this point on whether some have really yield to the spirit, or think they are, there is a difference, I pray that every seeker who reads the above scripture that you Holy Spirit open their eyes so that they will see you.

Oh so back on the night meeting, sorry been quite side tracked in this post, I really felt fire! Though the place was super cold, the fire of the Lord was burning so much that I had to take my coat off. My whole body just turned so warmed all of a sudden. I pressed in so much to have more of the Glory of God, I didn’t care what others thought or what others were doing. I remember just kneeling at the chair because by then I could barely stand in the presence of the Lord. Near to the end of the worship, I decide to take a look around, and I saw Rusty lying on the floor, my guess is he fell under the power of God. The Glory of the Lord is just so wonderful. Hah, I recall sitting on the floor barely or not wanting to move much, still basking in the presence of the Lord after the worship was over. I felt so at home.

If you ever wonder how come I get such things and experiences and you don’t, well this is the answer, it is something that I know, then understand, and practiced which you have yet to. But cheer up, I said "yet to" because if you are hungry to find out what that is, you can. Either through consulting me or anyone who has been experiencing these things.

“For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20

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