Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dreams do come true

“ I will guide you, you need to trust me Euclid.”- God
Yesterday at the Seminar held by Rusty, we were told to go to one another and step out in faith for God to show us something about that stranger. I went to a prophet/elder by the name of Eddie Choo, and then the Lord showed me a vision of a house on fire but not burning, with a river stream flowing beside it, with the backdrop changing seasons. I asked God what it meant, and what I sensed to interpretation could be was change that God was going to bring in Eddie’s life. Soon after, Eddie prayed for me. He prayed and prophesied at the same time. Just a summary, he prayed for me to come under a shelter of good friends, who would up lift me and grow together. He prophesied that I will meet and come to know other Godly men and women who would pass their anointing down to me. In these days that I should not be disheartened when I face difficult trials, these trials are but training for what God has installed for me. Passing each trial will be like a leveling up to more spiritual maturity. By the way, each of the prayer and prophesy spoke very very deeply to me.
“If you can see it, you can have it.” - God

I tell you God is a God of dreams. He places dreams in man and makes it possible for those who believe. If I can see it, He will give it to me. What I see, haha what I see is beyond man’s imagination. I see miracles, romance, a road filled with Glory. Dreams in Joseph, visions in David, encounters with Moses.
Now I shall speak of the present of what I see, I see a generation with many not knowing their purpose both Christians and unsaved people alike. Many Christians don’t even dream any more or have yet to find His will even after 10 years. Some don’t understand who they are.

You are sons and daughters, heirs and co-heirs of God. And I tell you the truth, you can still meet Jesus before you die. I’m not talking about just visions but literal sight, a visitation. Why… because I believe it to be so and I’m still believing and I’m sure of it.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

Spiritual life check: When was the last time you had an encounter with God, or did you ever had an encounter with Him before?

On another note... during the seminar, I remember praying for a woman. She said she had diabetes and breathing problems. I paused for a moment and asked the Lord, “show me what to pray for.” Then I saw her kidneys and a vision to pray for fluid to drain out, and I did. After I prayed for her in both areas, I could tell did she had difficulties in fully believing that she had been healed. Then I asked her is there some other sickness that you have not mention. Then she said she had a slip disk and she could feel pain. So I prayed for her back too. After praying I asked if she felt better, she bent back wards a little and replied yes. I could see the joy on her face. Later she testified that whenever she sat down, she would experience pain and after the prayer, she felt the pain going away. I believe God help her with a significant healing to built her faith that He has healed her in the others. Her doctors are in for a testimony. I can still remember the joy on her face, and even thinking about it now brings me joy. This is what it is all about, the people and them being blessed. God wants to see us to have true joy, that’s why He want us to leave the things of the world, because all the cheap trails will only sadden us in the end.

I remember when Rusty was sharing a testimony of Him seeing Jesus with a man he was ministering, all I was concerned about was that I want to see Jesus too. That is my deepest desire, just Him Him Him.

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