Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Crazy or Drunk?

Back from the youth leaders retreat and I’m still feeling a little tired. Ever since the first David Herzog meeting, I have found myself not only being drunk more often. Yes drunk, not on alcohol but drunk with the Holy Spirit. Well in a sense you can’t really blame me for wanting to get drunk with the Holy Spirit, firstly there is such unspeakable joy that comes with it. Secondly, you become extremely bold in doing what God wants. Such boldness is present because when I’m drunk with the Holy Ghost, I don’t really get bothered with what others would say, I’m just bothered with what God is saying. Thirdly, I become much more heaven minded. And one of the best of all reasons is that, there is no such thing as hangovers! Hahaha.  

Anyway during the first night of the leaders retreat, I found that I couldn’t really get to sleep. I wanted to sleep so much but I just couldn’t. So I decided to plug into some music in my mp3 to help me sleep. But instead of being soothed to sleep, I ended up feeling the strong presence of God. That’s where I knew that the Holy Spirit wanted me to do something. So I got up and went to the porch of the church. There I worshiped Him and prayed. When the Glory fell on me, I thought that the purpose of the Spirit’s awakening was about over. However, it was just the beginning. Next thing I knew, He soon led me to walk out of the church and I did. I didn’t know where He was leading me to but I just walked anyway. I was soon lead to the top of Kent Ridge park and over there I started to make prophetic declarations. Yes I did shout out. I was so compelled to pray for the revival that is going to hit Singapore and I was even calling arch angles to enter Singapore. Some of the words I was praying I didn’t even understand much, but I spoke them because the Holy Spirit told me too. Did some prophetic acts, one of which was placing my hand on a cannon and said “ In Jesus name, Boom Boom Boom!” Others were going to palace my hand on stores around our area, and declaring a close on those which were part of satan’s kingdom. One of the acts I remember was standing in the front gate of the Mormon Church near our Church, and commanding it to crumble down. After the whole prayer meeting, I was really tired, but I knew that the foundations of the earth have been shaken. I also came to understand why the spirit lead me to pray at such hour, it is because if these acts were done in the morning, I would be facing a lot more difficulties doing them because people would be awake to watch them. And I don’t think a store owner will particularly be happy with me calling their store to come to a close in Jesus name. 

During the morning session on the second day, we were all told to pray for each other. I prayed for J.S and prophesied to her and gave direction from the lord. As I prayed she shared with me a vision she saw of me. She saw that I was in robes like that of Jesus, but I had a circle of fire around me. Then the lord gave me the interpretation, the fire meant a glory radius and that it will burn up forces of evil but ignite passions of those of God.

Oh usually when I get drunk with the Holy spirit, what comes with it will be Holy Laughter, though I can tell some are looking at me with a “ I think he is crazy” look, I don’t really care at all. God has revealed to me that ever since the first David Herzog meeting, he has given me an access to drink and get drunk with joy, whenever I feel down. Thank you Lord! Sometimes I’ll still drink because, well it feels so good! Hahaha. So back to the question, am I crazy or drunk? I’m both, Haha. Technically, I’m drunk then that’s why I seem a little crazy to some boring people. Cool ones knows how to join in the fun. Haha. Or at least just enjoy watching. I’m a fool for Christ! Ok I shall quote scripture to those of you who may be wondering if this drunk in the Holy Spirit thing is from God.

From the chapter of ACTS 2:
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"

 Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."

Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 

" 'In the last days, God says, 
  I will pour out my Spirit on all people. 
  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, 
  your young men will see visions, 
  your old men will dream dreams. 
 Even on my servants, both men and women, 
  I will pour out my Spirit in those days, 
  and they will prophesy. 
 I will show wonders in the heaven above 
  and signs on the earth below, 
  blood and fire and billows of smoke. 
 The sun will be turned to darkness 
  and the moon to blood 
  before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 
And everyone who calls 
  on the name of the Lord will be saved.'

 "Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. David said about him:

 " 'I saw the Lord always before me. 
  Because he is at my right hand, 
  I will not be shaken. 
 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; 
  my body also will live in hope, 
 because you will not abandon me to the grave, 
  nor will you let your Holy One see decay. 
 You have made known to me the paths of life; 
  you will fill me with joy in your presence.'

From Ephesians 5:18
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

Even though I still enjoy the taste of wine, but I only let the spirit get me drunk. BE filled with the right spirit!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Moving in the Glory

I'm currently now in church typing this post. Can't sleep so I might as well post this:

On Sunday night, I attend the last and final meeting of David Herzog's "glory invasion" seminar. The worship was just AWESOME. The glory of the Lord fell so strongly that you feel as if heaven is on earth. By friend John said, "wah when I came into the hall, it felt as if I was in heaven la." Though the worship was about an hour, it was so wonderful that I could just easily carry on for another 5 at least. As David was preaching, a person suddenly manifested demonically. When the glory of the lord fall on a place strongly, demons cannot help but manifest. John was asking me, "shouldn't somebody like cast the demon out or something?" I who was drunk with the Holy Spirit replied, " Ah just let them (the demons) suffer." Soon after that, David was telling us to ignore that demon. Demons love attention, and enjoys it when we give it attention, that's why Jesus says to them, shut up and get out! When the glory of the lord is around, they are suffering because they know they don't belong there. They hate the glory of the Lord. 
That night, there were many more healings, signs and wonders than all the previous nights combined. The stronger the Glory, the more the miracles. No wonder Jesus had so many mircales. In fact He has a 100% success rate. I'm just learning to operate in the glory of the Lord, instead of just relying on my own anointing. Besides, the more I spend in the glory of the Lord, the more my anointing increases. And it is just so wonderful to spend time in His glory.

Oh after the whole event, John, Hizkia, Daniel, Ahdon, Tony and I went to eat supper. It is like the best fellowship I have ever had. We were all so like minded, and lauging so much. I wanted John to join in the supper so much because I felt that God wanted to say something to him, and wanted him to be edified even more. Haha , John, if you are reading this, now you know why i wanted you to join us so much. Anyway, as we were eating, Pastor/Prophet Tony, prophesied to John, when Tony said it will be faster than you think, I told him I second that, and I wasn't joking as well. When you have two or more prophetic ministers agreeing together, it is good to take that advise. John was saying, "that's scary." Haha apologies man for the sudden shock, but when you hang around with a bunch of prophetic ministers, you can expect these kind of things. Oh yeah, just in case some of you who are reading this do not know who John is, well I just sum up. He is a radical and cheerful man, he has the calling to the apostolic, and I always sense the Lord's favour whenever I meet up with him. Yes John, I sense that every time. Haha. And yes, he is that same John who is my blog acountability partner. Seems fitting for an apostolic to keep a prophetic minister in check. LOL

Anyway, back to the happenings. I was already home and just finished packing my bag for the next days youth leaders retreat. However, I couldn't sleep at all. So I just decided to read a chapter from David Herzog's Glory Invasion book. As I was reading the chapter on "prophetic glory" (typical of me) I suddenly felt my hands being all oily and stuff. As I took a look at my hands, they were all red, strangly red. I quickly woke my mom to show her this sign or wonder before it was gone. Didn't wake my dad cos he had work the next day. Anyway, as I looked, this word anointing oil came to my mind. So happy, praise got for such a sign.

Today at youth leaders retreat, I was praying for J.C. As I prayed for him I was back in my old style, using my own anointing again. (old habits die hard) Then as it wasn't going through, I stopped and again was reminded to hear what the holy spirit wants to do. He said, blow again. Then I was like, blowing again? issn't that like the same thing 2 days ago? Am I in a habit? HERE IS A BIG TIP, when you sense the holy spirit say something, even if it is a repeated action or something that might seem outragous, JUST DO IT! So I decide to be obdient, and I took a deep breath, and blew. Then each time I blew he was pushed further back. And finally I took one big breath and blew and he went down. He told me, could feel the power each time I blew. Again for minister, I cannot help but emphasize the importance of grooming yourself, especially your BREATH! Hahaha. As I was trying to sleep just now, I asked God whether it was going to be a new thing I'll be doing from now on? well i'm still not sure why i'm doing it, but it doesn't feel like i'm depending on my own anointing. Just sense that it may mean that each deep breath I take, is taking from the Glory that is around and when I blow, is not from my own anointing. Must ask higher counsel to confirm.

Ok got to go sleep, getting pretty late and I got to wake up early for tomorrow's schedule. Maybe my next post will be on the prophecy for the nation of Singapore, think it is really important for christians to know what God is doing not just in their church but around the world. And it is an exciting one.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hands in the cloud of Glory.

Wow, just came back from another David Herzog meeting and boy was is good. Ok before I mention tonight, I wanna share what happened today in church.

Ever since Thursday nice, I feel like God has promoted me to another level day after day. Not only have I sense my anointing getting stronger, I found ministry easier, and I get to hear from God clearer. Today I was praying for a sister in Christ, J.S. So I did the usual, got her to stand, release a word or two, and prayed. I reached to a point where I was saying more and the more I said “more” the more she was being pushed back by the power of God. But then something odd happened, it came to a point where by my words of saying more did not release more power. So I stopped, and at that moment this thought came into my mind, “hey, I just came back from a seminar about moving in the Glory the night before, and I’m still going about the old usual way of using my anointing to pray for her.” That was when Jesus told me to wait. Then he said, “ Now take a deep breath.” And I did. With my lungs filled with air, I was still waiting for the next move. Then Jesus said, “NOW!” and I blew at J.S and she just came tumbling down on the ground. I could really sense a strong power hitting her and it was not from my anointing. I’m so glad that God is teaching me to move not just only in the anointing. 

Back to tonight. Well there were more “instant weight loss” miracles, gold teeth, healings, than the night before. I even managed to see gold dust forming on a girl’s hand, and this was the first time I saw it in the flesh. During the worship, I could feel the cloud of glory above me as I raised my hands up. Some people don’t realize why people raise their hands up during worship. The truth is, many a times the glory of God comes like in a cloud, and it is above us. When we lift our hands, we actually touch the glory and that’s where we get ministered as well. Lifting hands is not just a symbol of surrender, though many a times it is, but there is a spiritual significance in the lifting of hands. That is why the bible talks about people lifting their hands when they worship. From Nehemiah 8:6, Psalm 63:4, to 1 Timothy 2:8.

Ok got to go sleep now, another day is ahead, and I am excited!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Holy Laughter

Just came back from the David Herzog seminar and boy was it something! The glory there was none like any other that I have entered. My hands started to have this tingling sensation as I raised them to touch the glory falling down on us. The sermon was unique. David was just drunk with the Holy Spirit and he had a hard time preaching. In the glory there was holy laughter and I laughed so hard for I think about an hour. It wasn’t David’s jokes, it was the spirit of God that filled us with such joy. Never had I laughed so much for so long. I'm still in that joyous mood even now, Prais God! There were miracles like instant weight loss, as I could literally see the woman’s pants loosen. The blind saw, unbelievers were saved, gold fillings filled those who had teeth problems! 

I met quite a number of friends there, from my mentor Rusty to Hizkia an Indonesian translator. I also met other peeps in the prophetic ministry, from the old to the young. I am so glad to meet another prophetic minister around my age as well. We plan to do some fellowship and I think I will drag my mentees along for this one. Hehe guys be prepared. Hahaha. 

Finally had supper with Hizkia and we did some good catching up. =)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Apostolic Mandate

Last night I attended an “Apostolic Mandate” seminar at Bethesda Cathedral. To be honest I didn’t really want to go because I thought it was mainly a teaching for apostles or apostles to be. I’m into the prophetic calling and an apostolic impartation didn’t really attract me. Not to mention, I was still recovering from a pretty bad flu, so it acted as a bigger deterrence. But all it took was one phone call from Pastor. A to convince me otherwise. He said the previous night was really good and the presence was exceptionally strong. So with that call, I went, and I’m glad I did.

The main speaker was an apostle by the name of John Eckhardt. When I saw him there was something very different about him. There was an anointing on him like none I have ever seen. Now just to be clear, it’s not that I haven’t seen very anointed people with my spiritual eyes before, but this guy’s anointing is just so different. Then I realized what I have seen is a strong apostolic anointing. I have never really met an apostle in the flesh, but now that I have seen an apostolic anointing, I now know how it looks like.

Eckhardt spoke about the prophetic and the importance of building a prophetic ministry, and things like prophetic worship and the benefits. I really agreed with him in the part that a good apostolic church is a church which grows in all areas of ministry, and the dangers if only a particular ministry is build and the others are neglected. 

After the sermon we were led to worship and the worship team there was challenged to minister prophetically. In the mist of worship, the Holy Spirit prophesied through me in a way I have never done before. I was singing prophetically. I had never done that before! In worship we were brought to another level of Glory. It was the best worship I ever gave and I hope there is more to come. The Holy Spirit was allowed to reign so freely over there that it’s just so amazing. I come out of the entire seminar changed, I could tell that not only has my own anointing increase, my life is just up a joyous notch. This morning I woke will the presence of God waiting for me. I still having energy though I did not sleep like the usual. Tonight is David Herzog, and the talk about Glory Invasion. I’m really excited to see what the spirit is going to pour out tonight.

Apologies for the limited vocab in regard to the descriptions. It’s just way too hard to put it into words. You have to go and experience that Glory yourself to understand. So I encourage you to chase after God and be where His movement is!

Back and good to Go!

Hi, I finally back! well I wasn't really gone in the first place, but I had not been blogging publicly for about 6 months. A lot has happened in this break period, there were many dramatic situations, and even more exciting ones. I have matured quite a lot, the Lord has showed and taught me many things. Of course there were many signs and wonders, lives being touched, disciples maturing as well, and many good friends made.

Here’s the highlight of this break, it is the Glory of God that has been ever so present in my life. The tangible presence is now a common thing for me, and it is getting stronger and stronger. I’m currently now on holiday and I have been using the time just to do QT. Though the start was difficult and there were many distractions like TV, God was and still is faithful to me. It’s now pretty easy to just enter His presence and bask in His glory. I am finally starting to have that closeness to God that just a few years ago I would never think possible.

OK so back on the blog. Well the first prompt is was when a youth T.Y. who asked why I haven’t been blogging for a long time and he missed it. That gave me a realization that these testimonies of God working in my life are edifying to many others. The second prompt was that I made many friends who care how I am doing and I don’t see them often because of busyness or even that we don’t cross path that much (some are not local or are from another church). In this way they can not only know how I’m doing, but they can also share the blessings from the testimonies. Last prompt, well was the Holy Spirit actually . From the background pick to the address, He has been helping me in designing this blog.

The goal in this blog is mainly edification, and a good brother in Christ has agreed to be my accountability partner in this. His name is John Ho, and he will let me know if he sense that a particular post bears bitterness or not.

Yeap that’s about all, look forward to more amazing stuff that God is going to do!