Sunday, October 25, 2009

Flash Forwards

Just last Sunday I was watching this show “flash forward.” The show was about people seeing their future, and how they lived their lives from then onwards. A character in the show said, “we are all prophets now.”
Thank God that to be His prophet, our visions or “flash forwards” are not like those in the show! They are filled with hope, and well the only thing similar is that when you understand the future you will kind of live life differently then before. For me that science fiction life is real.

God given flash forwards:
During the latest prayer meeting, I felt the Lord ask me to pray for a group of sisters. I was telling God no way all of them will be together praying, that’s because the worship leader told us to pray with someone else different. Then I saw a vision (flash forward) haha, I saw all 3 of them holding hands praying together, and I saw how I was to enter and pray for them. Then when I open my eyes, I saw them really holding hands and praying, so all I had to do was imitate what I saw earlier. Cool heh

Another flash forward, this one issn’t a vision form. I was in the mist of prayer, when I suddenly stepped into a church member’s future. I saw him when he was a little aged then now and there were a few words that heaven spoke in regard to him. Now the only thing is, when do I release it? It’s quite common for me to have a prophecy about someone for like months, but I do not release it to them until the right time.

So the supernatural life with God out weighs the TV shows we see, or even what the world can imagine. and it’s fun haha. Now I wonder, are there any peeps out there that are tired of living boring lives?

For all Christians: In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. - Acts 2:17

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