Sunday, November 23, 2008

Returning back

On Wednesday I was given the news that I am put out of course due to medical reasons. I fell out too often in the field with symptoms of nausea, giddiness, and sometimes even breathlessness. I also took quite long to recover from it, on one incident, I even had to go through an IV drip to recover. When I received the news I was quite devastated. All that hard work, all the pushing through all gone down the drain. I really wanted to push to be an officer but some how my body just couldn’t keep up with the program. Apparently I may be physically fit but not combat fit.
 As I went back to my bunk, I realized that now that I’m out of course, I had time to do things which I didn’t had before. I really had time to pray and well I was really asking God why this had happen. My goal of being an officer wasn’t for the prestige, or money, not for myself, but it was for the future men I would be able to lead. You see God said that I’ll be like a Daniel or Esther in these days, a position to change. So my mind was set that God had meant that I’ll be an officer and that way many will come to know the Lord, and that the spiritual stronghold in the army may be broken more. But that is what I thought and not His plan. I was relying so much on my strength in OCS, that I hardly spent time with Him any more. Those weekend QTs are not enough. And as I was in His presence I realized how much I have missed. How much I have been caught up on the training and been so unaware of the actual spiritual war going on.

I don’t know how He will use me, but whatever it may be I’ll be glad. Even at this point of time I’m still unsure, but I hear Him say “trust me” and I will. =)
Today, when I returned home, my parents to me of what had happened at the Asian conference. When I was told of what Benny Hinn had prophesied, it was sudden awakening. The thing is, I was prophesying similarly of what Benny Hinn had. The awakening was an understanding how distracted my mind was. I was so focused on being an officer that I forgot a mission I was already on. This “out of course” was God shouting to me to go back into His will.

Singapore be prepared for a movement of God unlike any other – so says one of the many of the generation that God is raising.

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