Sunday, November 30, 2008

In God I Trust

These past few days as an out of course officer cadet have been wonderful. I now have much more time and I use the time wisely. I have brought Christian books, powerful ones and of course the Bible. The book I bought was so powerful that a pre-believer read it and ask “seems so unbelievable, you mean the leg can grow out like that?” I replied, “yes, because I have seen it myself, you want to join me to see?” He agreed, so when I’m going to minister with Rusty I’ll get him along. Even during ops- planning, I was led by the Holy Spirit to speak to an old friend of mine. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge and prophesy followed after that. This is the first time I have ever prophesied in the army itself. I’m currently reading the book of Daniel, as the God as placed me to be a Daniel. I understand that He is placing me in a position of service and not a leader, for in due time I shall stand in front of Kings and leaders, and I must know how to deliver the word of God with respect yet not hiding the glory of God.

On Saturday, I started worrying, and crying out to God. In what position? Face flat! I was worrying over how God was going to launch me into the ministry He has called me to. I had not felt lost in such a long time. It started when I was reminded of what took place at the Asian conference last week with Phil Pringle. He was addressing the senior leaders and elders giving opportunities to youth leaders to actualize their potential in the ministry, empowering them to rise and take the baton of leadership in growing the Kingdom of God. My every being screamed out “I’m one of them.” Where can I go that would take such people in? That lead to the worrying of how God would launch me into the ministry He has called. Then I hear Him say, “trust me.”

Sunday, it is no coincidence that today’s message at FGA was to do with trusting God, and having peace when we trust him. I was greatly ministered while at the same time I saw a vision during worship, and this was the vision:

First I saw a people of the first(older) generation praying. As I saw them praying, I saw the second(younger) generation rising up. I see blessings, anointing being poured on the second due to the prayers of the first. Then the word reconciliation was strongly impressed upon me. In it was the interpretation that the wave of the second generation was paved by the first. The second must acknowledge that and therefore reconcile with the first. The wave of the second will be mightier and greater than the first, but they need the first generation to guide and make way for the second wave. The first generation should also acknowledge that the second generation wave is what they had ask from the Lord, and they should be prepared and humble to learn from the second in time to come. For the revelations are not from the second generation's experience but are given from the Lord. Then when there was reconciliation I saw a huge mass of people the size of a stadium full gathered together, and I saw no age difference for all were united.

I believe it is about Singapore as well.

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