“The bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” “I’m not here to rob you, but I want you to give up these things so that I can give you what is better, what some of you might never dream possible.”
The Lord prophesied through me during my friend’s cg meeting. The sermon was about the great commission that we are to make disciples, but in order for us to make them, we must be disciples ourselves. We have to take up our own cross and follow Jesus.
We pursue after material wealth, after men, allow our minds to be worldly, we do all these without knowing that it is all out to kill us. God plans to give all His children a heavenly life that is glorious, but we must first give up the things of the world.
Both Satan and God wants to kill you, but Satan wants to kill your spirit that which is eternal, while God wants you to kill your flesh so that you may live by the spirit.
“Many of us call Jesus our Savior, but few call Him Lord .” –Donovan
I found that the devil likes to put in lies in to the church to prevent others from going close to God. Lies like, “to be a Christian means we have to be poor.” Not true, God has given grace for a few who are meant to suffer in material wealth but not for all of us, in fact He desires us to be rich in material wealth as well. In the same way that not all of us are called to suffer like Paul, it was his calling and God gave him the grace for it. I always didn’t agree with “church” cultures that insist that being poor is a sign of holiness and a sign of willingness to give up the world. Although God has called some to do it, many others are not, they are instead called to be a blessing, like Abraham. The issues is not whether we are rich or poor in material wealth, but is that whether we are willing to give that all up along with other things in the world for God.